
Alrighty my friends and family. I was afraid this week would be boring and there would be nothing to say and then WHAM. The weekend hit us like a ton of bricks and I have many wonderful and hilarious things to tell you.

Firstly, we managed to have 3 investigators at Institute this week. How flippin' cool is that?! I praised myself and my companion until I realized that really the Lord is behind it. Duh. So I gave Him a spiritual high-five and thanked him from the bottom of my heart. It's AWESOME to be part of so many little miracles! Ha. Also. Narek, one of the investigators who came, doesn't understand German 100% and it's sometimes hard to communicate. But he came up to us afterwards and said that although he couldn't understand everything, he felt amazing and knew that it was God's spirit and he feels like everyone there is his family and that we're his sisters. So precious.

So. I'm going to tell you a little bit about how weekly planning works in our companionship. Weekly planning is every Saturday and we take a looooong time to think about each and every person we teach and what we need to do for them and what we need to get them to church and so on and so forth. Yikes, I'm really good at run-on sentences. ANYWAYS. Sister Martinz and I get a little distracted. Needless to say, we were talking about one of our investigators and within 5 minutes we were talking about rabbit poo. RABBIT POO. Baahahaha I don't know how this happens.

Mmk. BEST STORY EVER. After weekly planning some of our plans fell out so we were walking around talking to people. Of course. So Sister Martinz sees this guy crossing the street towards us and goes to talk to him. He looks up at us, smiles, and says a bunch of jibberish, presumably in Arabic. Sister Martinz keeps trying to explain that we talk to people about God and that we would like to give him a book about Jesus Christ and he keeps talking and trying to grab our hands. Finally we hear "Wie viele?" which means "How much?" and I start to panic. I grab my companion and start to pull her away but she is DETERMINED to convince him we are NOT prostitutes. She keeps saying things like GOTT! and JESUS CHRISTUS! but he just keeps smiling and pointing in the distance and motioning for us to come with him. AND THEN. He tried to kiss Sister Martinz! Bahahahahaha that really gave her the hint and we ran far far away. Ooooooooooh I can't wait to watch a movie of my life and see that part. Bahahahaha.

Anyways, the next day turned out to be even better. We had SIX investigators at church!!! 4 of them we knew and were expecting, one of them was a friend of a less-active member that came, and then. Bahaha I chuckle even thinking about it. So there is an American girl here named Kenna who has an off-semester right now at BYU-I so she decided to chill in Germany for a while. Cool. Anyway, she was walking to church and this dude came up to her, obviously high out of his mind, and asked her where she was going. She said she was going to church and he asked if he could come along. Hahaha so she shows up with this guy, Mikey (from America), and he is CRAZY intoxicated and heaven knows what else, and he stayed ALL THREE HOURS. And he wants to come back next week. Ooooooooh your adventures as a missionary. So great. But the really great thing about all of this is the ward thinks we are miracle missionaries and so now they love us even more. Win.

Also, I found out that I can by delicous french bread here in the stores and so I do. All the time. And I love it. Don't tell the Germans!!

I love you beautiful people. And I'm sorry I can't respond to everyone's emails and letters fast enough!! I'm trying. Promise.


Sister Young

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