
December 5, 2011

I am down to 3 WEEKS!!!!!!! DREI WOCHES!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord.

So. New things this week....nicht. Just kidding. I made some new friends and we are pretty much bffs. There's a group of missionaries going to Norway and their classroom is kind of by ours and for some reason I started talking to them one day and now we are so tight. There's a solo sister (meaning she doesn't have a companion) in there who might be my friendship soulmate, just saying. And there is a dude from Iceland! Dream come true! Meeting someone from an obscure country, that is. He is WEIRD. That's probably why we are all best friends. So it's pretty nice to have a change from the ordinary.

One of our roommates that was supposed to leave last week had to get surgery last minute! I feel so so bad. It's been really hard on her, so please keep Sister Westover in your prayers. So now there's 3 of us in our room, but we're getting some new Deutschers this week, and I'm pretty sure 3 of the sisters are moving into our room. Woof. I hope they're cool or I will die.

German. I haven't talked about my progess in the language for awhile, probably because it depresses me. BUT I'm doing...ok. I hate learning it from returned missionaries. I don't trust their grammar and I don't trust their accents. SO I've started to rewrite my entire grammar book on 3x5 cards. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. I'm on page 50 in my grammar textbook and I'm loving it. For some reason I find great joy in doing this activity. Also we've started to speak German 24/7 around here, so hopefully that helps. I'm pretty sure we all sound like cavemen. But we get our point across, and that's what's important right now.

Also, I'm going to officially inform the world that I have a new nickname here, and I can't disclose it because you'll have to write me for it. But basically everyone here teases me because all the black guys here love me. Like, they seek me out of a crowded room to come talk to me. One of them said he wanted to marry me (don't worry, I told him that he was super creepy and to leave me alone). I don't know what it is. Actually, I do. But you'll have to write me to find out.

The funny thing about weird 19 year old boys that are all of the sudden thrown into a world where they have to think about Jesus 24/7 and never touch a girl is that they start to find EVERY sister here at least a little attractive. But then they feed that in their mind and all of the sudden you're the hottest thing on the face of the planet and they all want to sit by you at lunch. THEN they realize that they shouldn't be talking to you and they get SUPER weird and say STUPID things. And then you tell them to go away and they run with their little tails inbetween their legs. THIS PLACE IS WEIRD.

Thank you for all your letters!!!!! They keep me sane. Also, the closer it gets to Christmas the more depressed I become because I can't be with my family. And Christmas is the best time of the year at the Young house! But I will be in Germany so soon and THEN I can rejoice.

I love you all my little kinders.

Sister Young

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