
December 19, 2011

Listen people. I leave in a WEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!! Oh my heavens I am so READY to leave. I've been here for ages.

Feminist story of the week: Every Tuesday we have a devotional here where prominent church leaders come to talk. They usually bring their wife, who speaks for about 10 minutes, and then the dude will talk for like 45 minutes. Sometimes it totally sucks because the wife is waaaaaay better than her husband. Anyway, so I was complaining about this to my district and I told them I was going to pray for a woman to come who would talk longer than her husband. You better believe God answered my prayers because the very next week Elaine Dalton came and gave the most incredible devotional EVER and her husband who preceded her only talked for 10 minutes. God loves me.

I totally forgot to mentiont this before, but my wonderful companion's mother sent me a lanyard a little while ago that I put my key and stuff on. It reads "BREASTFEEDING TOUCHES EVERYONE." It's the greatest gift I've ever received.

Also I aruged with an Elder in my district about slavery. Why would that even be a discussion, you ask? Because this particular Elder doesn't believe it's wrong. Don't ask me how we got on the subject, I don't even know. But I can promise you that I spoke my peace and now I try to avoid him at all costs. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO IGNORANT?! a;sdlkfja;lsdkjg;lakjdfgl;jkasdklfj

I will tell you all a bad secret. It's called: I can't stop dreaming about watching my favorite movies. I've had several dreams where I'm in the middle of "Hook" or I'm just watching the movie "Ever After." It's insane. That's all I'm going to do when I get back. Also can everyone commit right now to watching "Midnight in Paris" this week? Do it for me. I miss that movie so much.

This week I have to say goodbye to everyone and a part of me is going to die inside. But I am so FREAKING excited for Germany!!!! I hope you all still write me, even though it's a little more expensive. Also please pray that I get a native-German speaking companion when I get out there. Please.

Well, I'm sorry this is so short. I'm really tired and I'm sick today. But I love you all and just remember - the next time you hear from me I'll be in DEUTSCHLAND!!!!

Sister Young

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