
December 3, 2012

And so.

This past week has been kuhrayzeeeee. Where shall I begin?

I shall begin with informing you that I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting with Sofia again in Hamburg :) :) :) She is doing well and we had a lovely visit!!! Hopefully I will remember to upload some pictures next week.

Zone Conference was super great, I got to catch up with a lot of old friends including SISTER DEAN, my MTC companion!!! She's still as crazy as ever, and it was just peachy to catch up. We have another conference next week in Hamburg with Elder Richards from the Area Seventy, super stoked about that. Minus the fact that my mission president's wife asked me and my comp to do a musical number. Gag me.

Then we came back to Bielefeld.


Don't get me wrong, it's great here and all. We just had another rough week of fallen out appointments and disappearing investigators. Tis the mission life.

We did end up having a walk-in appointment with an American student who asked us a lot of questions about the Church structure and other philosophical matters - he wasn't interested in the doctrine itself, seeing as he is an "unbeliever." He asked a lot of questions about women in the church, so imagine how my face lit up as I exclaimed with all energy of heart, "I'm a feminist!" He ate that right up. So then we talked about Mormon Feminism, and you know me. LOVED THAT LESSON. And that's how I brightened the world this week.

ALSO. So last week we invited a member in our ward to be a joint teach for one of our lessons with an investigator from Cameroon. We were so excited about the appointment, but as it always goes for joint teaches, our investigator cancelled last minute. We were natürlich very sad, but we asked this member if we could leave a spiritual thought with her. She agreed and as we sat down I started to panic because I didn't really know what I should share. As I was frantically flipping through the scriptures, I found 3 Nephi 9:13-14 in the Book of Mormon and decided just to talk about that. I shared some personal experiences with her and as I finished I noticed that she was crying. Well, talk about being the WORST MISSIONARY EVER, I felt so horrible that I had said something stupid. But then I found out that what I shared was an answer to her prayers and concerns.

So I guess it wasn't that bad of a week afterall.

I looooooooooove you all.

Happy first Advent.

Sister Young

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