
December 24, 2012

Hello people of the universe.

Well, it is Christmas time and I sure am grateful that the owner of this internet place is Muslim because that means I can write you right now.

And so. This week was crazy. But not really, I mean it was crazy boring. Man oh man, the transfers just seem to be creeping by, especially when I am so looking forward to something like CHRISTMAS. But luckily it is here.

Last p-day we went to a cute place called Osnabrück, where I bought traditional German things. But I spent more money than I wanted to spend - I just really really REALLY hate spending money - but I'm getting over it because now I have cool German Christmas things!

All of the other days were a mess. We had a lot of crappy lessons and our investigators are falling off the planet. Stupid holiday season. I have a lot of ideas for the new year and I am really excited about it, but right now I'm a junior companion (so weird, by the way, in my 9TH TRANSFER) and I'm scared to share a lot of ideas because they would involve us doing very different things. But we're working on it.

Yesterday was a day of wonder, however. I gave a talk in church (gag me) and I think it went ok. Several less actives came to church and although we didn't have a ton of investigators it was nice to see the ward members reaching out to the less actives. Also a thousand old women cornered us and loaded us up with chocolate and cookies, so that was pretty great. And then Vladimir was baptized!! His son, Michael, was baptized a year ago and then introduced the church to his mom (who was baptized earlier this year) and now his dad. Pretty cool, eh? Then we went to their house and ate the most delicious Russian food ever. Magical day.

That's about it. I'll keep you updated on the lovely Christmas traditions of the Germans and report back next week.

Love your guts.

Sister Young

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