
September 3, 2012

ello! People!

And so.

Being a trainer is just super. I get to do whatever I want and tell my baby that it's totally normal. HA.

Ok but seriously, it's really great. My "new missionary" is Sister Larsen from Utah (duh) but GUESS WHAT. One of the first things she said to me when I asked her about herself was, "I'm a feminist..." Match made in heaven?!?!?!? YES. Maybe we lay in bed at night and discuss women's issues until the wee hours of the morning. I don't know.

Also a reeeeeaaally cool thing about getting a new missionary to train is all the awesome miracles that you get to experience together! And normally I wouldn't really think anything of them but she gets so excited over the little things, which really helps me to realize they're from God. You know???

Zum beispiel. The other day the Elders that we share the ward with made out an appointment with a woman but couldn't make it so they asked us to go. Unfortunately it was out IN THE BOONIES and took us forever to get there. When we finally got there and klingled her door she wouldn't let us in. We were only a little bummed as we started walking back to the bustop when we stopped a young man on the street. Turns out he's from Canada and he used to be an engineer but then realized that he really hated it - his job, all the money, his obsession with material things. So then he decided to sell EVERYTHING and pursue his secret dream of becoming a conductor and now he's an assistant to the conductor for a philharmonie here! Is that not the coolest story EVER?!?!?!?! So obviously we became best friends and he is STOKED to get a Book of Mormon. I'll let you know how that turns out. The point of the story is that if it weren't for our initial disappointment, we would never have found him! God loves us!

Also Yangmin is doing incredibly super. We made him a reading calendar that leads up to his baptism so that he can read a little bit in the Book of Mormon everyday and he told us, and I quote, "I feel so much better when I read in the book! I can really feel something! I think it's the Holy Ghost!" Awesome. Even more awesome? Apparently he read a scripture about fasting the other day so he decided to just do it on his own. He told us he had an amazing experience with it and it helped him to feel more spiritually connected. COOL, RIGHT?!?!?!?! He is just so great. I can't wait for his baptism.

Ok. That's all for this week. I'm really tired and sometimes I fall asleep on the bus, I don't know.

I love you all.

Sister Young


  1. I'm so sad I've been missing out on this for the last few months. You and your kid sound like a match-made in heaven! <3

  2. Lesa Lou! God must love you. Feminists and rock solid investigators forever.
