
September 24, 2012

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this was the worst week ever. Not really but close.

So. I should probably start out by letting you know that God babied us up this week. He put SO MANY MIRACLES in our path because he knew the weekend would SUCK. We met some amazing people on the street. We're seeing amazing progress with so many of our investigators. Life was great. AND THEN.

Yangmin said goodbye to us. Forever. Actually not forever, if I can help it. But it was really sad. Story time.

So Yang was getting super stoked for his baptism, and decided to call his wife to talk more about it (she's in Korea right now). Well, it did not go over well. She has read some things on the internet about our church that she didn't particularly like, and didn't approve of his baptism. It was definitely a setback, but it is of course really really important that she approves so we decided to push it off until he goes to Korea in December to talk to her. We had a lesson with a member family here, and it was great! He was bearing his testimony about the Book of Mormon, church, Joseph Smith, Christ...the whole shebang. He said he still wanted to do everything like a member - come to church, meet with us regularly, serve, etc. Then not 30 minutes after this lesson, we got a text from him that said he wasn't going to come to church and he didn't want to see us again. It was devastating. I just crumpled to the floor and cried, I didn't know what to do with all these emotions.

The next day at church I was already on edge and not feeling well when I got a letter I reeeeaally didn't want to have. We had to prepare for a lesson we reeaaally didn't want to teach, and I had to play piano in Primary which I reeeaaally didn't want to do. Again, break down. Poor Sister Johnson (a senior missionary here), she just held me while I cried and cried. But after a while I got my strength back, stood up straight, and prepared to have one of the most miracle-filled days in all my mission.

We saw over 10 nonmembers in sacrament meeting. Primary was hilarious to watch. They asked us to bear our testimony in Relief Society about sacrifice and it was really spiritual. We talked to a member of the bishopric about how we could help the ward better and got amazing insight. We had lunch with the YSA and had really really good conversations with a lot of investigators, who in turned talked to the missionaries in their ward about being baptized. We met some French people that told me my French is great. We found out Thomas Monson is coming to Berlin on October 14th and we all get to be here to see him. We met with one of our investigators that's in the hopsital and she's making AMAZING progress. We found out that an investigator from when Sister Uhlig was here is finally back from being in Turkey for 5 months and is going to meet with us. And we ended our day with a hopeful start for this week.

Sorry to get all cheesy on you, I'm sure I'll have funny stories next week. I just wanted you all to know what's it's like, in a very condensed version, to be a missionary in the middle of Berlin.

That is all.

Sister Young

ps. Did you know that they have a German version of the "Super Nanny" show here?!?!?!?! Bahahahaha we laughed so hard and then got a little bit frightened for the poor children that have to go through that.

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