
September 17, 2012

First things first, people. I asked for Family Home Evening ideas and I didn't get any what the heck!!!!!!!!!!!! I was really looking forward to that. So please.

Also guess what guess what I have the best news ever. It's called: THE THRIFT STORES HERE ARE OUT OF CONTROL AMAZING!!!!!!!
Listen. Apparently it's not really very kosher for Germans to shop at thrift stores or something. That's at least what Sister Uhlig told me. So last p-day we decided to check one out and it was INCREDIBLE. The clothes are super ancient, like stuff from the 40's that nobody has bothered to care about, and because Germans don't usually shop there unless they "need to" there was so much thrift gold for the rest of us cheap Americans! I was thrilled. And I bought a skirt that was adorable and I'm a little bit obsessed with it. That is all.

Ok are you ready for the highlight of the week? Thought so.

It's called: I am learning spanish. Ha!

Ok ok so we have this new investigator named Corola. Have I ever talked about her? Not sure. Anyway, she's from Bolivia, but had been living in Barcelona with her brother for the past several years or something. But now she lives in Berlin with a nice German man. So about a year ago her brother joined the church in Barcelona. He gave her a Book of Mormon, she read it, loved it, took the lessons from sisters there, but then for some reason came to Berlin to live with this man. So lucky for us, her brother came a couple of weeks ago for a visit and brought her to church! So now we meet with her regularly and she's fixin' to get baptized at the end of October after she gets married to her German man! Yay!

Only problem - she speaks no English and hardly any German. So far we've managed to have a joint teach at almost every lesson, but there's only 5 people in the ward here who speak Spanish and 2 of them also don't speak German! So communicating has been difficult but SO FUN. We had this other Sister in the mission who speaks Spanish send us some stuff to study so I've been learning Spanish like crazy. Except it's still really bad haha. BUT I am able to communicate on the phone now (as long as I always write out what I'm going to say before haha)!!!

But can I just go off on a little rant here about how much I flippin' love Hispanic people??!?! There are just so loving and warm and friendly and wonderful. Some of the most spiritual lessons I've had here have been with Corola and her brother, and we can't speak each other's languages! Their testimonies are so powerful and beautiful, I just feel so happy when I'm with them. Also we were talking about the Plan of Salvation the other day and we were explaining that it's only in the Celestial kingdom that we can be with our families forever, and Corola says, "Yes, I want to go there and be with my daughter and [pointing to her German man] him, even if I have to drag him by the ear to get there." LOVE HER.

Ok, that is all for this week. Please pray we can find more investigators like Corola to teach.

Peace and blessings.

Sister Young

ps. Pictures:
1. Sister Uhlig and I with Sika!
2. A planner I made for an Elder here.
3. My new baby and I at the Berlin wall.

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