
May 21, 2012

Hello hello hello. Let's start off by reminding you that my birthday is on Thursday and you are more than welcome to think of me the entire day. You're welcome. Last week an Indian couple in the ward gave me a saari for my birthday!!!!!! Is that even how you spell it? I DON'T KNOW. Doesn't matter. It's beautiful and maybe ridiculously skanky. I'll modify it, have no worries. Also I punched an Elder last week. But that's only because he was being the most annoying person in the world. He deserved it. Also WORST THING EVER. Not really, but it was scary. It's called: MY COMPANIONS MADE ME TALK TO A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS BY MYSELF. With no disrespect to the religion, they are the bane of our missionary existence. And talking to them is sometimes like bashing your head against a wall because they love to tell you that God is Jehovah and that's all they really like to argue. Anyway. So this particular day my companions were going around talking to peeps a little ahead of me while I talked to people by myself. We can't all do it together because then it looks like we will eat them and they hate it. So I'm bouncin' around, doing my missionary job, and I stop this lady and start to talk to her. Oh wait. She's a JW and she was waiting for her companion to come so they could go talk to people too!!!! AWKWARD. Well she ended up being pretty nice and she took one of our cards. We talked for awhile and, of course, she asked me what God's name is. I told her it's Elohim and she was like what the heck? It blew her mind of course because she had never heard that. So secretly she wanted to learn more but she couldn't because she was scared/her companion was coming. But all in all it wasn't so bad and I was able to tell her about the Restoration and I could see something click in her eyes! She didn't even try to refute it! I WIN. Mmk. Remember how I told you that we flirt to convert? Well we did it times ten this week. And it was awesome. Story time. So we were walking to an appointment when we see these 3 young looking dudes (and by young I mean our age) riding bikes and looking very lost. They saw us and I guess we looked like we knew what's up because they stopped us for directions. Funny thing: they are all attractive AND French. Did I die a little bit? YES. Anyway so we directed them towards a restaurant where they could watch a football (soccer) game. We of course talked about who we were and gave them our cards. They invited us to come with but we sadly declined. WELL. A little bit later it totally hit us that we are IDIOTS and we should have worked harder to get them to agree to meet us. THEY WOULD DO IT. So we marched over to that street and walked up and down it until they came out. Yes, they totally did. Then we got their number and we organized a giant soccer game with the Elders and other YSA people and they're coming!!!!!! HA. Anyways. I love you all. Don't forget about me. Sister Young 

1 comment:

  1. Sister Young you are good to go!
    Why Jehovah's Witnesses proselytizing is a false Gospel. (Gal. 1:8)

    Straight up doctrinal facts on Jehovah Witness.
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach preach that Jesus had his return aka second coming October 1914,then they spin all sorts of doctrinal embellishments on that date with 1918 being their appointment by Jesus as sole heirs of this 1914 Kingdom coming.
    They have infighting,crime and child abuse as bad as any church out there.
    Have a deadly dogma prohibiting whole blood transfusion but use cow’s blood calling it *Hemopure*.

    They teach only 144,000 go to heaven,on and on and on with made up man made dogmas……JW are a spin-off of the second adventist and have this in common with the SDA.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses promotion of their Watchtower sect has the net effect of stumbling and turning people off to the real Gospel.
    Jesus said: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte; and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves” (Matt 23:15)
    Danny Haszard born 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness
    *Tell the truth don't be afraid*
