
May 14, 2012

So so so. This week was boring. Every week was boring. Except! I got to skype my family :) That's the best, always. Except it felt like it was only 10 minutes long. I'm pretty sure it was. Poooooooooooo. So Hamburg is still freezing. It's unnatural! The weather is fine everywhere else except here. I still wear tights and boots and a coat. Can I kill the weather? Yes. But I do have to say it is beautiful. Really really really. It rains a lot here so it's very green and everything is blooming and it's wonderful. WUNDERBAR. Except let me tell you a little problem called I get bugs in my hair errrrrday. That's a cool way of saying EVERYDAY. It's disgusting. My companions and I feel like monkeys, we're always going through each other's hair picking out ants and spiders and other weird things that we haven't named yet. But it's worth it to have so many beautiful plants and trees and things. Our boundaries are the boonies of Hamburg so I'll have to send some pictures sometime of the awesome farmlands we get to track in. Also let me just confess this right off the bat - we flirt to convert. Or more accurately, we bat our eyelashes a little to get people to agree to come to church or meet with us. I'm not even ashamed. It totally worked for some people who later became progressing investigators. And sometimes we get creepers. But either way we get those so WHATEVER. Anyway. So there's this dude that loves to flirt with us everytime he sees us, but the difference is everytime I talk to this man I'm really mean and sassy. He loves it for some reason. So the other day we got on the same bus and he was talking and I was telling him what a butt face he is. So then he says, "Sister Young, I can really see something special in your eyes. It's magical," to which I responded, "It's Jesus." Everybody started cracking up around us and I told him he needs to come to church or we would never speak to him again. He didn't show up but I wouldn't be surprised if we met him again. Ha. Ok so these other Elders in our district had a baptism the other day so we went to support it. Also the girl that got baptized is American and we LOVE her so of course we had to go. Well guess what. She is married to this famous singer who's also American but is apparently only really popular in Germany. His name is Dante Thomas, in case you wanted to youtube him. ANYWAY the baptism was awesome and I got to meet a famous person and we're going out to lunch with her this week! I'm stoked. That's basically all. Reminder: my birthday is coming up. This is a chance for some of you weenies to find an excuse to write me!!!!!!!!! I'm really lonely. Ok loves loves and more loves. Sister Young

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