
Lesson #69

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

So. Today is "Love Your Body Day," according to NOW [National Organization for Women] Foundation. As a bored feminist, I will of course write a blog post about loving my body. Because I do.

You might remember this post I wrote a while back that basically encompasses everything that this day stands for. Twas great. However, I'm going to take a different approach today. And yes, my favorite blog did give me this idea that I am a little bit copying.

Instead of talking about how the media is a terrible influence on women and girls, or how we should learn to love how we look, I kinda want to talk about how freaking amazing our actual bodies are. Seriously though, they're amazing. So I will share with you things I enjoy that my body does for me.

My favorite things about my body...GO:

#1. I can grow a person in my belly.
Just think about it. Isn't that amazing? Even more amazing is the fact that my body can squeeze that tiny person through a space that reeeeeaaally can't fit a head right now. Promise.

#2. Pain.
I don't know if you've really thought about it like this, but pain is your body's defensive mechanism. It lets you know when something isn't going alright so you can catch the problem early. If you break your arm, the pain restricts you from moving your arm too much because your body knows that you need to keep it still. Without pain we would all be dead I think. At least I would.

#3. Eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.
All those things provide my senses, and I thank God everyday that I have all my senses. I can watch beautiful films, I can listen to moving music, I can taste delicious [french] food, and I can smell autumn.

There are a million and one things I love about my body, and a couple things I tell myself I could live without. But seriously, what a gift. We are so lucky.

Plus, I can ride a bike! In France no less.

I'm sorry for the lame picture. It's the only picture I have of me moving. Sad, I know.

This post is part of the 2011 Love Your Body Day Blog Carnival

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