
Lesson #68

Today's Lesson Objective includes:


Ok. This post is dedicated to my brother because he HATES my blog, especially when I write about politics. But poo on him because a.) he reads my blog anyway and b.) I love pissing him off.

Lots of crap has been blowing up my phone phone [not a typo, if you don't understand GET WITH IT] with political and social chaos lately. It's ridiculous. And IT'S MAKING ME GRUMPY.

I love lists. Let's start.

#1. Apparently Mormonism is a cult. Mormons aren't "christian" either.
I would first like to say that I DO NOT ENDORSE MITT ROMNEY IN ANY WAY. However, all this crap about Mormons is ridiculous. I shouldn't even have to defend my church in this case because a.) I reeeeaaaaally don't believe somebody's religion should play any part in this and b.) the guy creating all the fuss is a close-minded IDIOT. So move on, peeps. There's nothing to see.

#2. Occupy Wall Street is pretty darn big now and I think people are jealous they're not involved in all the action.
I've heard a lot of criticism of the movement, but I, for one, am fully behind the idea they're trying to get across to the public. Does that surprise you? Of course it doesn't. But since a lot of weenie whiners out there are "confused at their objective," let me show you a cool graph. I know you love plain and simple pictures!

Put simply, the top 2% is like 50 bajillion times bigger than the bottom 98%. Don't quote me on that. But THIS is what we're concerned about. They don't pay enough taxes. They control Congress. They are creating a social class crisis. Do you get it? Yes? GOOD.

Also, I'm going to throw this in for fun because I LIKE IT. And she is my hero.


#3. Women, War, and Peace.
I wrote a paper on this earlier this year. I find it to be one of the most important topics that should be on the table today. So when I found out that PBS was doing a series on it, I almost peed my pants with excitement.

Women, War & Peace from Women, War & Peace on Vimeo.

I just love PBS so much. Sooooo much.

Goodnight my fools.

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