
Lesson #40

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) I'm not taking finals.

Lies. I am. But I hate them. You know what I hate worse? My professors assigning 50 million page papers due on the day of your final. What is up with that?

Ok. In retaliation of this horrid week, I'm writing a new blog post. Ha.

I don't really have any new life lessons for the .2 people that read this blog, but I will introduce you to the things I am currently in love with.

#1 - Zachary Levi.

Woof. What a babe. I'm pretty sure the best thing about him is his radiating nerdiness. If you don't know who he is, he's on a show called Chuck and he's the voice of Flynn Rider on Tangled. And yes, that is his real singing voice. What a dream boat.

This is a blog of awesomeness. I hope you can guess from the title what it's all about, but trust me - this is the best thing I've come across in years. I don't necessarily agree with everything, generally they reflect my views pretty dang well. Ha.

#3 - Adele

Ooooooook. Adele is amazing. Did anyone else know this? Just listen to her voice!!! Aaaaah I would KILL to sing like that! Also. She sings live on all her music videos. Love love love love love love her.

Just click the link. Do it. Love it. K thanks.

#5 - Haiti.

This is Akon. No, that's not his real name. I don't know his real name. All I know is that I called him Akon and he called me Beyonce. I miss this kid. I miss Haiti. I've been doing a lot of work for the organization I went with last year (click on the link) and I NEED to go back. If you want to come with me let me know!

Alright. This was a boring post. Sorry.


  1. 1.) I creep on your blog, shameful I know...
    2.) Adele is my hero, Someone Like You has been playing in my head pretty much since I heard it.
    3.) When parents text is hilarious!!

    Thank you, and keep posting! Finals are dumb.

  2. im one of those .2 people that read this now
