
Lesson #38

Today's Lesson Objectives include:

1.) Documentaries.

So if you are acquainted with me in any social media forms, you would know that I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately, much to the dismay of my studies. I just can't help it. There are too many good [and awful] things to see and learn about and I MUCH prefer that to school.

I am making a list of all the documentaries you need to see before you die. Actually, watch them before the end of the year. Ok? Ok good. In no particular order:

War Dance
So freaking amazing. Seriously. I was really touched by this film.

God Grew Tired of Us
I saw this film in high school but recently watched it again with my brother. I forgot how heartbreakingly happy this film is. Also, it's hilarious.

America the Beautiful
This film pretty much reiterated everything I knew about America's obsession with beauty, but I still found the director's way of illustrating this fascinating. It really is a good and interesting film.

The Business of Being Born
I have recently had a strange desire to become a midwife, and this just pushed me to really consider it. SUCH a good take on the hospitals and maternal and childbirth care. I almost cried at all the births, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Very Young Girls
This movie made me sick, in an important way. Girls are coerced into prostitution at the average age of 13. It's disgusting. This was a really amazing film that followed girls on their journey to break away from "the life."

Any suggestions on other documentaries I should watch?

2. Believe me.

This is just my little rant for the day. It goes like this.

When you ask me about what "feminism" means and then proceed to insult me and disregard my evidence, I officially regard you as the statistic that inhibits change for women. When you refuse to look at what is going on around you and realize it's wrong, I get upset.

I know you think that women should be equal. I know you say you would vote for a woman president. I know you believe that sexual violence should stop. But guess what. YOU ARE NOT THE MAJORITY. So PLEASE stop thinking that all men think like you and therefore patriarchy or oppression doesn't exist! The majority don't, or else women would have stopped being raped or trafficked or beaten. It also offends me when I bring up things like this and you refuse to believe me.

I feel like my voice is getting lost in someone else's screams.

ps. I don't care what you think, it is NEVER a girl's/woman's fault that she has been raped. I should have slapped you for that.


  1. Who said that it's a woman's fault for being raped?! I've never posted on your blogs mostly because a lot of the things you say, I agree with, so I feel that there is nothing I can really bring to the table, but for anyone to say that it's someones fault that they were forced into sexual intercourse dangerously niave at best.It's just an example of what is wrong with the world.
    I read in an artical a while back about someone doing a study that said in third world countries, if they were to let woman have more freedom and encouraged them to finish school and to find jobs themselves, that their country would be in much greater standing then they are now. The could bring more money into the household, there would be less children that they couldn't take care of, and even though it never said anything of this, there would be two parents that could help the children out with homework and throughout their lives. it makes me sad to know how far a lot of places have come with feminism, but how little other places have, and how far everywhere still needs to go for true equality.
    Also, I love documenteries. I've lacked watching any for a while now, but I really should start watching some new ones.
    Also also, I only commented because of the end. I don't want you to stop updating on your posts. I love them. please don't stop!

  2. CRAP. And don't be freaked out about the profile name. it was an old e-mail address that it automatically went to. It was just because I "lurked" in chat rooms and at the time, I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I now regret the choice of words for the e-mail.

  3. We'll have to check out the documentaries! And I agree with ya..and so does dave :)

  4. In addition to the other recommendations, I would recommend Frontline's The Battle for Haiti (but you might want to wait to see that until after your next trip there...), The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, any one of the American Experience series on the American Presidents, the BBC's Up series, Nanoook of the North, Darkon and Best of Show. (Okay, the last two aren't really documentaries but if you ever want to watch some off-beat comedy they're pretty good.)

  5. Lesa! These make me just want to run away and live with these people. You need to read "The Poisonwood Bible," it has to do with the civil war in Africa. So good, you think it's goona be some run of the mill novel, and then it changes your life. Read it. Now. Stop procrastinating.
