
Lesson #28

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1. Graduation.

The day of freedom will soon be upon us...kind of.

As of right now, I am on track to graduate in December. This mostly depends on my laziness (a.k.a. taking fewer classes in a semester and graduating in April) or on a paid internship I just applied for (I'll let you know what I hear!). But whatever I choose, I will be graduating within a year or so.

I should be scared, right? I feel like I'm supposed to be terrified of the real world, so much so that I even consider grad school. There are some legitimate fears. All of us juniors/seniors in college know that getting any job (let alone our dream job) right out of college is a feat. There are other concerns, such as worrying about healthcare, taxes, and not moving back in with our parents.

In all honesty, I am extremely excited. I'm excited to get a real job so I can finally pay off my student loans. I am excited that I will be at liberty to watch all the movies I want in the evening without worrying about finishing up my homework for the next day. And I am SO EXCITED that I will have graduated from this infamous university as a single woman!

I've heard a lot lately that I shouldn't be comfortable being single. I've also heard that while I'm making my glorious plans to run away and travel and do good things and be happy, I should really think about settling down - not so much as in plan my life around getting married, but definitely expect it and welcome it with open arms. At the very least I should be prepared. I know a good majority of you read this blog because I have strong opinions that you find amusing, and I certainly don't want to disappoint you. Therefore, as you might have predicted, I am at opposition with people of the general thought that I should be preparing for marriage and working it into my plans.

Do I want to get married? Sure. Someday. Do I think about it? Sure. Sometimes. Do I think about it when making life plans? No, not really. I plan my life around me - my dreams, my ambitions, my goals. I can do this because there is no "other" in my life. It's just me. Maybe you think I'm selfish, and you may think as you wish. But while you're critiquing my life I'll be loving every minute of it.

I have never felt more confident and more happy in my entire life than I have in realizing that as a single college graduate I can do whatever the hell I want. I suppose that now I've publicly made this statement that the vengeful gods will send some gorgeous man to waltz himself into my life. And I suppose that when it happens, we will deal with it then.


  1. yes, lesa. now a gorgeous man will waltz in. and you will deal and it will be awesome. until then, keep dreaming and planning and live the hell out of your awesome life :) miss you

  2. You're going to get married before you graduate. And during the ceremony, I'll burst out laughing and yell, I told you so!
