
Lesson #29

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) Personal space.

Maybe I'm just a weenie when it comes to people invading my bubble. I've been known to get unusually flustered when people touch me during conversation or try to "cuddle" during a movie. But seriously, just don't do it. I hate it.

I know most people aren't like me in that regard, but I promise I'm not alone. Personal space is definitely cultural. For example, Haitians don't know what a bubble is and French people would rather not be within 10 feet of you if you're a stranger. Americans, however, have a nice mixture. Not too touchy but certainly more friendly. Or at least that's how it's supposed to be.

So. Let me break it down.

It is not culturally (in my book, and I am the leading expert of all things cultural) appropriate to:

a.) Touch people while talking. Unless you're trying really hard to get me to notice you or show interest, don't touch me. Don't try to carry on a conversation 2 inches from my face. Don't rub your feet on my legs. Don't try to hold my hand. It's weird.

b.) Sit right next to me in a row of empty seats. Seriously. If I even see you coming down the row and I have no idea who you are I'm putting my coat on the chair next to me. It's sooooo wrong. Leave at least 1 seat between us if you can help it.

c.) Talk to strangers in class. Or on a bus. Or in the hallway. IF YOU DON'T KNOW ME YOU BETTER HAVE A FREAKING GOOD REASON TO START A CONVERSATION. I don't know you. I don't want to tell you how my day is going. I don't want you to know how many siblings I have. It's annoying. Don't do it.


1 comment:

  1. Dear dear Lesa. I hope you know when you post these things it gives me every incentive to do them. For example. I'm going to talk two inches from your face while tickling one elbow, trying to hold your hand, and rubbing your ankles with my feet. It's going to happen. Also. I'll ask strangers to get to know you.
