
Lesson #27

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1. Books.

I love books with all my heart.

Whenever anyone asks me what I like to do, the first thing I always say is reading. I could read [with periodic naps] all day every day for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I am in school and so I never get to read as much as I would like, but it never stops me from reading at least one book a semester. And, of course, I devour books during the summer.

I decided I wanted to share the top 10 books everyone on earth should read. These are not necessarily my absolute favorites, as I tend to enjoy thick and difficult books. All of these books/authors, however, remain near and dear to my heart.

In no particular order:

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

Warning: the language in this book is a little hard to read. You kind of have to talk out loud to yourself because she writes phonetically. However, I really admire Zora and have always enjoyed her work. She was one of the shining authors of the Harlem Renaissance, and for a good reason. This book is superb. Then again, I've always loved books with strong female leads - take this into consideration when asking me for recommendations.

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

This book is as magical as any movie adaptation you have happened to see. If you're looking for a really good, quick read I highly suggest this one. How Barrie thought of it all, I will never know.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

My grandma once begged me to read this book and, reluctantly, I did. I cannot believe how much I loved this book. The way Betty draws you into these characters and makes you so emotionally involved is thrilling. Really. Read it.

Persuasion by Jane Austen

I know, I know. You probably don't like Jane. You might detest the movies based on her stories or think all her books are about love. Well, you're wrong. If you've ever read Jane's books, they are not as romantic as you think. They are actually quite satirical and very critical of the way women are treated in her society. Also, you've probably never even heard of Persuasion, so please read it. It might just be my favorite one of her books.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

I'm sure you all love the movie. Well, guess what. The book is better. Always. But seriously, this book is HILARIOUS and the movie left out half the story. If you're looking for a good laugh and an easy read, this is the ticket.

The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

I might be the only person on the planet who absolutely loved this book, but I don't care. I thought it was amazing. There is something about the way Pearl writes that makes me never want to put the book down. If you're feeling up to the challenge, I really suggest this book (it's the first of a series, if you're feeling adventurous).

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Though these books aren't really of any literary merit, this series is one of the more addicting stories ever written. If you're looking for something that could be easily finished in a week or less, this is the series for you. Be careful - it's kind of graphic.

Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns

Growing up my mom always told me this was her favorite book. It wasn't until high school that I actually read it. It was excellent and a really interesting story. I really don't think you'll be disappointed if you take the time to check it out.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I don't think anyone in America was allowed to graduate middle school without reading this book, but I highly suggest reading it again. It's a classic but genuinely good. Also, it's pretty short so that's always a plus.

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Confession: I haven't finished this book yet. I'm actually currently reading it and I'm about halfway through. It's amazing and so addicting. It's pretty thick, so beware. But it is so worth it. I'm pretty sure even when I get to the end I will still be the biggest fan ever.

I had a really hard time making this list, but I hope it gets you started on your reading adventures.

What are your top 10 books that everyone should read?

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely check out some of the books on your list. I loooove 'Peter Pan' and 'The Princess Bride'...I completely agree! The movie should have added that whole conversation about love. It's genius! Since I am an English Literature major it is only fair that I share some recommendations too: "These is my Words", "Abra" and "Jane Eyre" - All strong feminine characters and they leave an impression on your soul. :) - Barb.
