
October 22, 2012

Guess what people.

This week I hit my mission birthday - I HAVE BEEN A MISSIONARY FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8760 hours. 525,600 minutes. 3,153,6000 seconds. That's a lot of time to spend on one of the hardest things I've ever done. Woof.

Well well. This week God loved us in abundance. We found a lot of new amazing people to teach, we had good lessons with all our investigators, the weather was perfect...

The problem with having good or easy times on your mission is that you're constantly scared for something horrible to happen. That's just how it is. If you're having an amazing week, you immediately get nervous for the next week to suck like crazy. If you tell any other missionaries that you're having a successful week, they respond with, "Oh...good luck then." Then we all kind of crawl into a corner and wait for God to drown us in misery. So Sister Larsen and I are a little nervous is all.

Ok but I will tell you the funny story of the week because this will make you so happy! I promise.

So. Do you remember the story from my last week with Sister Uhlig about a girl who responded to the question, "What does prayer mean to you?" with "alcohol"????? Ok well just keep that in mind when I tell you that this week Sister Larsen and I talked to this woman on the street and she said, "Oh please come help my daughter find Jesus!" or something like that. So we set up an appointment to come over and when we showed up guess who answered the door? ALCOHOL GIRL. Bahaha she and I just looked at each other awkwardly, but then her mom invited us in and we taught a lesson. Probably the most perfect lesson we've ever taught. We asked all the Preach My Gospel inspired questions, taught the doctrine simply but powerfully, gave commitments, bore testimony, etc etc. Her mom was loving it, but this girl was laughing awkwardly the whole time and wouldn't make eye contact. She answered all of our open-ended questions with one word answers.

And then! She came to Institut. WITH HER MOM. Kind of weird. Then we set up an appointment, only to find out her mother wouldn't be there!!!! So we were a little bit insanely nervous about it. But we went. And as soon as we sat down she asked to borrow our phone and went into the other room for like 10 minutes calling weird numbers! Then she came back in and sat on the other side of the room and asked what we wanted to talk about. I was just so confused and asked, "Um...do you even want us to be here? We only want to come if this is something you're interested in," to which she replied (with a completely emotionless face), "Yes." ?????????? So we taught an awkward lesson about prayer, tried to bring the Spirit but it was hard with her laughing occasionally at us, and invited her to church. Then we left.

Question: What do you do with an investigator that keeps all the commitments, keeps making out appointments with you, but doesn't actually want to meet with you??!?!?!?!

Bahahaha I never ever EVER thought that would be a problem on my mission, but obviously I did not give Berlin enough credit. Thank you, Deutschland, for continuing to blow my mind.


Sister Young

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