
October 15, 2012

Well let's just jump right to the point and spread the news: PRESIDENT MONSON WAS IN BERLIN YESTERDAY AND WE GOT TO SEE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No big deal or anything, but I had the privilege of talking about prophets with my investigators and had the joy of saying, "Actually, the prophet is coming to Berlin this weekend. Want to come with us to hear him?" Yangmin just about fell off his chair haha. But win! Several of our investigators came and it was a glorious event.

Speaking of Yang, he's back!!! Obviously he couldn't hide from the Spirit for very long. He said he still doesn't want to be baptized until his wife approves, which of course is acceptable, but he will still meet with us once a week and come to church. Yay yay yay my heart is full! Also he's been receiving a lot of anti-mormon stuff from friends and family and he'll bring it to us sometimes and say, "What am I supposed to do with this? I might as well throw it away because NONE OF IT IS TRUE!" Best. investigator. EVER.

Also I'm learning Chinese from a new investigator named Ronny. She is the sweetest thing to ever grace this planet and Sister Larsen and I get a kick out of her laughing at our Chinese lessons. But I'm basically fluent so no worries.

Aaaaaaaand the best day of my mission happened to be on Saturday. We went to Eisenhüttenstadt for a service project and it was AWESOME. The branch president's mother-in-law (she's not a member) has the biggest garden in the entire world and we helped her pull out trees and things. It was the perfect combination - perfect, sunny, autumn weather + working in a garden + finding random beautiful pieces of glass as we were digging because the garden used to be a glass factory from the early 1900's!! + eating delicious Polish food + talking with hilarious East Germans = the best missionary day ever. I have never felt more zufrieden. It was wonderful and I wish I could just transport all of you to Germany where you can meet these hilarious people. That is all.

So this guy we met on the street told us we were witches the other day. I've heard a lot of things on my mission, but rather surprisingly I have never been called a witch. I guess it wouldn't have been such a big deal except right before we talked to him we talked to a Jehovah's Witness who was not very nice. And right before we talked to the JW an Italian man told us he would come to church if we kissed him. It was just icing on top of our terrible day of trying to find people who are trying to come closer to Christ. Oooooooh man ich mag es überhaupt nicht!

I hope you have a wonderful week. Love your guts.

Sister Young

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