
Lesson #24

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1. Beauty.

I learned in my anthropology class a bajillion years ago that the idea of beauty is universal. Every culture has their own idea of what makes you beautiful and people take great care to adhere to these customs.

What I want to know is who the HECK made up the rules?

I'd like to hold someone responsible for making me wear makeup, dress in clothes that show off my curves, curl my hair, and shave my legs.

Now, I'm sure some of you are going to pull a "well you don't HAVE to." That is where you are wrong. No, no one is physically forcing me to curl my eyelashes. But I have this subconscious idea that is embedded into my DNA that I have to do what is expected of me to feel worth. If people don't find me attractive, then I'm not. I wish I was strong enough to not care, but I do realize that society is based on this idea. If I want a job, I have to look appropriate. If I want people to treat me with respect, I'm much more likely to receive it if I don't show up in a sweatshirt and unshaved legs.

As living proof of this, just look at my college dating experiences. Before wearing makeup = 2 dates over 2 years. After starting to wear makeup = ...more dates...maybe 10...over a 10 month period. I know, I'm a loser even with makeup. But come on! Don't guys appreciate girls that are comfortable with their natural selves?

I'm done. Watch this.

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