
Lesson #11

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) Don't dismiss New Moon so easily.

I don't even comprehend the idea of refusing to see New Moon if you're a girl. Sure, it's cheesy. Yes, Bella makes you want to kill yourself because she's so stupid. But seriously, are you human? Who actually goes to movies because of the plot line and the development of the characters?

I sure as hell don't.

Numero uno, Jacob in the movie is so freaking sexy it makes you sweat a little. Numero dos, JACOB IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. And I know a lot of people don't agree with me, but I find Edward to be quite beautiful himself. Oh, if I could get inside those pants...sorry Grandma, if you're reading this.

Now, I understand why some guys are hesitate to view this film. It's definitely a chick flick. And as stated previously, it's just brimming over with bare chests and perfect abs. HOWEVER, I'm hoping that you'll get the point - go start working out. Now that millions of girls have been exposed to what a man's body should look like, they will be expecting it. I would hate to see you miss out because you couldn't get it past your thick head that girls will be girls, and they can be VERY shallow (and you thought men were all by themselves...).

And that's all I have to say about that.

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