
Sharing hilarity.

I'm going to take a break from writing about heavy subjects that tear your soul apart and just brag about my family for a bit.

I have the best family in the world. And no, you cannot contest that. It's just the truth and you have to accept it.

I'd like to think I have an amusing sense of humor. I like to make people laugh and it's gotten me out of many a potentially awkward situation. I learned these skills, as most do, from my family. My mother, almost always smiling and lighting up the room with her bubbly personality, loves to make people feel welcome. This is most assuredly done through making people laugh. My father, less outgoing but surprisingly talkative when you get him on the right subjects, has a secretly dark sense of humor. My childhood memories of my daddy include, but are not limited to: learning to sing the "fart" song whenever beans were served with dinner, begging Dad to do the napkin face (he put a napkin on his face and stuck his tongue through it - why we loved it, I don't know), hearing our names being substituted for the evil people in the Bible and Book of Mormon whenever Dad read aloud to us, and staying up late to watch the show Max X. I've never heard my dad laugh so hard than when watching people get seriously hurt doing incredibly stupid things.

Needless to say, my siblings and I soaked in the influences of my parents - my mother's ability to target an individual's sense of humor and adapt the conversation to make them feel at ease, and my father's taste for somewhat indecent and justifiably hilarious things in life. It could easily be said that this combination has produced one of the most hilarious and awesome families ever to exist on the planet.

And so. I was emailing back and forth with my brother Mitch yesterday. I would like to share this conversation with you, mostly because a) I find it hilarious and I want to share it with the whole world and b) you need to understand how amazing my brother is.

WARNING: If you like Nascar and/or are from the South, this might offend you.

MeI'm supposed to be looking up the top magazines for NASCAR fans for my job right now. WHO DEDICATES WHOLE MAGAZINES TO THIS STUFF.

MitchThere's more than one magazine for NASCAR?? Wtf? It's probably pretty enlightening I guess. 
"I only get these NASCAR magazines for the.... articles..."

MeI hate motor sports. They are so dumb. Seriously, how can this be one of the most popular sports in the world?

MitchCause it's waay cool. Think about it- they go reaaaally fast. Also... beer.

MeAnd the occasional boom boom. Nothing like a good car crash to make me want to drink more beer and love my life. 

Mitch"WOW! It's so loud! Did you see tha- HEY, why doesn't my liver work?"

Me"One beer for every lap!"

100 laps later...


200 laps later...


MitchI drink beer during nascar races because I don't get dizzy enough when I'm sober. 

Hey, wanna go shoot something afterwards?

MeYou mean dem hippies? Ja.

MitchCorrection: Dam hippies. Dam mexicanos. Dam nigroes. 'member the confederation? Thems was good days.

MeThem good days wen we had all dem der cotton. An now I cain't get up off dis dam porch. Dam yankees took all the moneys there wuz. 

MitchSlavry was a good thing two. It's in the Bible somewer.

MeYer got that right mister. Hey, pass the butter why don't ya? I ain't got enuf here on my butter cake.

Mitchy'aint gonna deep fry that sucker first?

MeI alredy done deep fried the butter and sugar befur I made the cake. And I put in dem friend pickles you like so much.

Mitchthank'ya's'much darlin. you're the best fieansay/close relative I ever dun did have (toothless grin)

MeI think nows the time to tell ya dat one of them chickens done peed on yur truck. Mind ya, I wus fit to be tied. But I cain't get that stain off. 

MitchS'aright. Times a'comin for a new 'n besides. i thnks i seed a new one at the junk'ard anyhows. Just give the yold'n to Jeheremihuh. Jethrow and I'll get the other'n after t'mar's nascar match

MeI can't keep up with you. You're too good at this.

MitchWell you know... lots of practice. What else do you think we did at scout camp for 5 years?

You're welcome.


  1. Lesa! Where are you? I need to send you a catch-up email STAT. We are way overdue to be pen pals. My email is eliza dot e dot campbell at the site where normal people have email (hopefully you know what that is).
