
Lesson #65

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) The missing women.

The World Bank has officially released the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development. These reports on gender equality that are produced by the World Bank or the United Nations and other similar organizations are a relatively new thing, as the phenomenon of women being treated as dirt has been barely realized in past decades as a serious matter that, if improved, could actually decrease poverty. Imagine that!

Looking through the report's fancy charts and graphs, I noticed that they've furthered research on the missing women theory. In fact, they have found that "nearly 4 million women go missing each year in developing countries." Firstly, you should understand that by "missing" they don't mean someone kidnapped them or they just up and left to live in the jungle. It means that 4 million women die each year to causes that should have been prevented.

Amartya Sen actually published an article in 1990 (linked above) claiming that there are over 100 million women missing in Asia due to sex-selective abortions, female infanticide, and unequal medical treatment given to girls. Of course this continues today, and I find it to be one of the most depressing truths about the world.

Here's the chart provided on their website:

I think it's safe to assume that most of you won't even bat an eyelash at this report. I'll tell you that I don't feel like I learned anything new from this. They've produced the same information every year. Women are dying and nobody cares. Women can't get an education and nobody cares. Things have DEFINITELY improved, thanks to those who try to do something about it. But most don't. So, if you could do me a favor and just during your day sometime pray for these women around the world, I would love you forever.

And excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep.

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