

Mistake #1: Going to the most romantic city in the world by yourself.

Paris is gorgeous. There's so much to do and so much more to eat. The Eiffel Tower is a lot bigger than I had previously thought, the Catacombes were really weird, and I saw some of Van Gogh's work with my very own eyeballs. While I'm trying to convince myself that I am so lucky to be in Paris and see things people only dream of, all I can think about is sharing it with someone special - a boy I like, my friends, my mom. I think it would have been so much better if I would have brought a friend or met my lover or made Caitlyn come with me despite her protests of being too poor.

Mistake #2: Not doing the 2 things I really cared about.

The first thing I wanted to do was buy a baguette or chocolate or a crepe and sit down by the Eiffel Tower while eating my delicious snack and staring at people. This is a modified goal from the previous one of wanting to get into a baguette fight with one of the Olsen twins while on a french boy's shoulders. Seeing as the latter is a tad bit impossible, I thought I'd change it. So simple, and I didn't even get a chance to do it!!!
My second goal was to buy a penis baguette from the gay bakery. Self-explanatory.

Best decision ever #1: Not entering the Louvre.

Maybe people will hate me for this, but I quite honestly don't care a tiny bit that I didn't actually go in. I was perfectly fine with taking my picture by the weird pyramids and moving on.

Best decision ever #2
: Not swimming in the Seine.

Wasn't planning on it, but seeing the water confirmed my dislike for gross things.


SO. Paris was good. I did many things. I would like to go back with someone, preferably a lover. French bread is good. The end.


  1. I love you, Lesa! I'm sad you didn't get your penis bread. Maybe next time we'll go together! How long were you in Paris?

  2. I wish you would have jumped on a French boy's shoulders and baguette-battled anyway.

    I cannot WAIT to see photos!

  3. You really should have forced me to come. I definitely would've helped you fulfill your goals. I would have even dressed like an Olsen twin for the baguette fight.
